1. The Club shall be known as the East Lothian Road and Trail Motorcycle Club Limited (herein after called the Club). The Club is a Company, Limited by Guarantee and Registered in Scotland.

2. The aims and objects of the Club shall be :

a) To promote and encourage the sport of motorcycling – with emphasis on Off Road Sport b) To organise and promote both Social and Competitive events
c) To encourage and promote a better image of motorcycling to the public

3.The Club shall be affiliated to the Scottish Auto Cycle Union (SACU).

4. Honorary membership shall be granted at the discretion of the Club Committee to any person who has rendered special service to the Club.

5.Company Directors and Company Secretary shall have their membership fees paid during their term of office.

6. Application for Ordinary Membership must be made in writing to the Club Secretary.

7. Membership is for a period of 12 months. Every Member shall be given, free of charge, a copy of the Club Rules and Bye Laws, a membership card and any subsequent amendments to the Club Rules and Bye Laws.

8. Every Member shall be allowed to take part in Club sponsored activities and may make use of any facilities afforded, provided they have the appropriate licence for the event.

9. The affairs of the Club shall be conducted by the Committee, elected at the Annual General Meeting and comprising;

a) CHAIRMAN who shall hold office for TWO years and be eligible for re-election. b) SECRETARY who shall hold office for TWO years and be eligible for re-election. c) TREASURER who shall be elected for TWO years and be eligible for re-election d) up to 6 MEMBERS who shall be elected and to serve in office for ONE year.

10. Company Directors, comprising of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall be nominated from the Committee at the AGM. Directors will have served at least one year on Committee before election, as Director.

11. If for any reason a Director or Committee Member shall cease to act during their term of office, a successor shall be appointed by the Committee and shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting and shall be chosen from the Committee.

12. Four Members of the Committee shall form a QUORUM.

13. The Committee shall have power to appoint a SUB-COMMITTEE deemed necessary to organise a special activity, either from their own number or from ordinary members. The Chairman of any Sub- Committee shall be chosen from the Committee.

14. The CHAIRMAN and SECRETARY shall be EX-OFFICIO members of all sub-committees.

15. Committee members not able to attend a Committee meeting shall intimate their apologies to the Secretary of the Club, prior to that meeting.

16. The Club Financial year shall commence on the 1st January and end 31 st December the same year. The Club Sporting year shall commence the 1st January and end 31 St December the same year.

17. AN ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING shall be held not more than 6 weeks after the end of the

Financial year, at such place as the Committee shall appoint for the purpose of :

a) Receiving the report and Financial Statement made up at the year end preceding.
b) Electing members of the Committee, Company Directors and Company Secretary.
c) Dealing with any business that appears on the Agenda and any other competent business.
d) Any proposed amendments to the Club Rules and Bye laws must be submitted in writing to the

Secretary 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

18. At least 21 days notice shall be given to members of the Annual General Meeting. The notice shall contain particulars of the Committee and Directors who are to retire.

19. An Extra-Ordinary General Meeting may be called on the receipt by the Secretary of any requisition signed by not less than one-third of the fully subscribed membership. Any such meeting shall be held within TWENTY-EIGHT days of the receipt of such requisition and not less than FOURTEEN days notice shall be given of such a meeting.

20. Every member present at the Annual General Meeting or Extra-ordinary General Meeting shall have ONE vote and no more and no resolution shall be deemed carried unless at least TWO THIRDS of those present vote in favour of the resolution.

21. The ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION fee for all members will be reviewed at the Annual General Meeting for the Following year.

22. All subscriptions and other movies received for and on behalf of the Club shall be paid into the account of the Club at the Bank. The Treasurer, Chairman and Secretary shall be authorised to sign cheques in which case two signatures shall be required. All subscriptions and other monies should be made payable to the East Lothian Road and Trail Motor Cycle Club LTD, and all cheques, postal orders etc, shall be crossed.

23. An audited cash account and balance sheet showing the financial position of the Club as at the end of each financial year, shall be prepared by the treasurer.

24. Any member who indulges in any conduct whatsoever liable to bring the good name of the Club into disrepute may have his or her membership withdrawn subject to a hearing of the Committee, provide that the member or members shall receive notice in writing of the hearing.

25. The Chairman at any Committee Meeting shall have the right to vote on every motion as a member and in the case of equality, shall have the casting vote.

26. In the event that the Club ceases to function, the Committee may call an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting to ‘Wind-up” the Club. Any funds being donated to the ENDURO Fund and any equipment being donated to the SACU.

27. The Club Championship will be decided over pre-determined events held in the Sporting year. Winners of trophies will be decided by the Committee and within 3 months of the new Sporting year there shall be a meeting to honour the achievements of the Members in the previous Sporting year.

28. The age group for competitors in all events promoted by the Club will be as defined in the SACU Standing Regulations.

29. Only current Club members will be eligible for the Club Championship. 30. All monies should be banked within SEVEN days after the event. December 2004